繁星計畫 就是要減低 (原有少數)明星高中 的光環!
(讓各個高中的差距縮小, 而不是要打擊原有的明星高中)
社區高中 不一定是 「二線高中」!!!
天上掉下來的一塊肉?! 真爛的說法!!!(讓我聯想到天下掉下來的禮物)
繁星計畫就是要讓所有的高中,都變成 明星高中
這才是 繁星計畫 的意義!!!
中國時報 2008.02.07
天上掉下來的一塊肉 「二線高中」出線
At a briefing held in late December 2007 to introduce the “Stars Program,” a new channel for university admissions, the briefing team exhorted their fellow educators to grasp this opportunity to send even more of their students to the country’s top universities. “This is like manna from heaven!” they exclaimed.
2007 marked the first year that the new Stars Program had been implemented. Since there were no precedents, many high schools and students were ignorant of how things worked. This year, however, guided by last year’s experience, schools have proceeded to compete vigorously for these newly opened university spots.
“The Stars Program was designed with the hope that overlooked high-school students from remote areas would have the chance to get into top universities,” explained Yang Yu-hui, a committee member from the Ministry of Education (MOE). Some high schools, she said, have argued that one cannot compare the class rankings of the most prestigious high schools in Taipei with those of high schools in remote areas. The top 1% of students in each of these types of schools cannot be directly compared with each other. So how is it that this policy attempts to use school rankings as its basis?
Furthermore, the physics, chemistry and biology that students in the natural sciences study are not easily comparable to the history and geography that students in the humanities groups study. Faced with this argument, Yang countered, “However, the Ministry of Education considers all top-ranked students to be university-level material. They are all worthy of government attention.”
No worries
Under the Stars Program, all 403 high schools in Taiwan are dealt with equally. The resulting practice, where a top university will admit only one student from a given high school, has provoked sharply contrasting responses.
執全國高中牛耳的北市建國中學註冊組長陳彧弘表示,建中每屆學生約有1,300人,其中一半會進入台大,進入國立大學者更超過95%。而排名前5% 的65人,一定穩上台大醫科、電機或法律等各學群第一志願。去年建中對繁星計劃有興趣的優秀學生不超過10人,最後只有一人進入清大,但如果推薦「校排」在5% 之後的學生去參加,又處於劣勢。
Chen Yu-hong, registrar at the top-ranked Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, relates that of each graduating class of around 1300 students, one half end up attending National Taiwan University; more than 95% of graduates attend one of the public national universities. The top 65 students making up the top 5% of the graduating class are assured entrance into the medicine, electrical engineering, law or other program of their choice at a top university. Last year, no more than ten students at Jianguo High expressed interest in the Stars Program. Only one of them got into National Tsing Hua University. If any students lower than the top 5% were to participate, however, they would be at a disadvantage.
Leaving the Taipei metropolitan area for Lu-Chu Senior High School, a northern Kaohsiung school located in an area bordering Tainan County, one observes that last year nine students, whose academic credentials would have placed them in the upper ranks of private universities, were recommended under this new program. As a result, two of the students gained entry into National Sun Yat-sen University and National Chung Hsing University. This was a very satisfying result for a school that is accustomed to sending only three to five students per year to national universities.
Luchu Township, with a population of over 50,000, was known in the olden days as “the bamboo grove at the halfway point,” since it lay midway between Anping in Tainan and Fengshan in Kaohsiung. The bamboo here grew so thickly that it posed an obstacle to passing travelers.
For a long time now, Luchu’s best middle-school students here have flowed towards the urban areas of Tainan and Kangshan in Kaohsiung County for high school. Those students admitted at Lu-Chu Senior High have had marks of 160–250 points on the high-school entrance exams, representing a range of difference about 90 points (the maximum possible score is 300 points, with a further 12 points being added from 2007 for essays). Lu-Chu Senior High has not had as good news as this year’s since a student tested into National Cheng Kung University six years ago. After the two students got into universities of the caliber of National Sun Yat-sen University and National Chung Hsing University, the school hung out banners and announced the good news on the LED screen on its main building to encourage the student body.
Rules of the game
Schools in remote areas have been loudly applauding this new program. However, since their students’ test scores are not enough to make it into National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University, or National Chiao Tung University, it has been the second-tier high schools in metropolitan areas that have really been getting their hopes up.
“Everyone wants the best for their students, but the program is weak in its implementation. There is a thick handbook full of regulations and summaries, and it is impossible to understand the program without expending some effort. Unfortunately, administrators at some high schools simply go through the motions,” says Wu Jane-dong, principal at Neihu High School. At his school last year, staff members from various departments worked together closely to help each other understand all aspects of the new program, recommending students that best fit the program’s requirements with regard to subject scores and school ranking.
The next stage, where the students indicated their preferences in terms of university and major declared, was even more interesting. The school gathered together the top 5% of its students (about 40 students) in an auditorium, where the universities and the majors offered were posted up in red ink on slips of paper. The students took turns ripping off their preferences in the order of their class rank. This homemade method proved highly effective, as seven out of 21 recommended students were admitted to the programs of their choice. 要想精準預測學生落點和競爭優勢,還有一個多數高中不願明說的訣竅,就是藉試卷統一的北區高中聯合模擬考排名(約2萬人),可以了解和本校學生成績在同一位階的人數大約有多少,再據此避開競爭,將自己的學生區隔出來,準確度八九不離十。
There is another secret strategy in estimating where students will end up and how they can gain the most advantage in this process, although it is a secret that high schools are loathe to admit. This is to examine the rankings of the northern Taiwanese high school students in the mock national entrance exams taken by around 20,000 students. The high schools then use those scores to estimate how many of those students are at roughly the same level of performance as their own students. Using these figures to organize one’s own students for the competitive process has resulted in accurate predictions in eight or nine out of ten cases.
Strategy: avoiding hot fields
This year, 25 public and private universities joined the Stars Program. The number of open spots offered under the program jumped by a factor of 2.2, or 1,742 spots. The MOE asked Chung Yuan Christian University, a private school, to charge the 100 admitted students tuition and miscellaneous fees at the same rate that public universities charge. As each academic program’s requirements for admission differ, the rules of the game become more complex.
One hundred and forty-three students (roughly 21%) who gained university admissions last year under the new policy were taking a two-pronged approach, participating in the normal recommendation track after going through the Stars Program. After getting into better schools via recommendations, these students gave up the coveted spots they had gained under the new program. As a result, this year, students who gain university spots through the Stars Program may not then also take part in the recommendation track.
Moreover, after forceful persuasion from the MOE, quite a few universities have loosened their admissions requirements this year. National Chengchi University has gone from asking for top-tier scores on all five tested subjects to asking for aggregate top-tier scores. The Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Changhua University of Education does not even list specific target scores that applicants must attain. Overall, these changes benefit those at the middle to lower end of the pack. They will also serve to encourage more schools to enter the fray.
Schools that seek to compete for this year’s openings can find some clues to how they should go about things from last year’s numbers. Tsai Kui-hsiu, a consultant for the working group that produced the Diversified College Enrollment Scheme, points out that last year Tsing Hua admitted seven students who scored in the 58th tier on their exams. These students might not have gotten in had they applied through the usual channels. Looking closely at high schools from which students entered the 12 elite universities for the first time in the last three years, one discovers that National Taiwan University took students from five of these high schools, Tsing Hua from 24, Chiao Tung from 22, Chengchi from 4, Sun Yat-sen from 19, and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology from 32. Evidently, National Taiwan University has still ended up taking very few students through the new program, while Tsing Hua, Chiao Tung, and Sun Yat-sen, among others, have admitted quite a few students thereby.
Last year, 504 students vied for 40 spots at National Taiwan University. Says Tsai, “NTU attracts the top talent, and catches the eye of every star high-school student.” Thus, unless a second-tier high-school student happens to be first in his or her class, it might not be advantageous to apply for NTU. Rather, such students should apply for places at the other universities.
Smashing exclusivity
The Stars Program has afforded high school students from all over Taiwan an additional opportunity to get into the best universities. However, there is no denying that success or failure rests largely on how one does on the written exam.
In terms of the current channels for university admissions, such as the Stars Program, recommendation from one’s high school, or sitting for the entrance examinations, Neihu High School principal Wu Jane-dong points out that students who have consistent scores on the written exam can easily see where they stand and where the cut-off points are. Such students can do well whatever admissions channel they choose to pursue. Analogizing to the case of shooting baskets, if one is accurate, then whether one cuts into the lane or takes a jump shot, one can be confident of scoring.
However, students whose grades tend to gyrate wildly should analyze the reason for their inconsistency to see whether it is due to factors such as a lack of sleep before the exam, their physical condition, or that they happened to hit upon a unit in which they were weak. Knowing such factors can help to alter such grade oscillations. Otherwise, one would just be shooting blind. Such students should try all of the channels, and will have to make more of an effort.
“Those students who are consistently mediocre are the most pitiable, since it seems that none of the channels would really work for them,” says Wu. Those who are not keeping up in their subjects will be cast aside as they progress through the various stages of the admissions process. This may seem harsh, but one of high schools’ goals should be to strengthen students’ ability to withstand adversity.
Those schools that have taken the pains to play the system in a strategically adept way have been the clear winners under the new program. But whether or not the new program can inspire high schools in underrepresented rural areas to raise their students’ motivation and standards remains the most important task ahead.