Statistical Abstract of National Income
•按當年價格計算(At current prices)
•按90年價格計算(At 2001 constant prices)
1-1平均每年經濟成長率(Average Annual Economic Growth Rate) 1 2
1-2國民生產毛額平均每年實質成長率(Average Real Growth Rates in Gross National Product) 1 2
1-3平均每年每人國民生產毛額實質成長率(Average Real Growth Rates in Per Capita GNP) 1 2
2.國民生產與國民所得(National Product and National Income)
•按當年價格計算(At current prices)
•按90年價格計算(At 2001 constant prices)
2-1實質國民所得平均每年成長率(Average Annual Rates of Increase in Read National Income) 1 2
3.國內生產毛額-依支出分(Gross Domestic Product by Expenditures)
•按當年價格計算(At current prices)
•按90年價格計算(At 2001 constant prices)
•分配比(Percentage Distribution)
•名目增加率(Nominal Rate of Increase)
•實質成長率(Real Rate of Increase)
•對經濟成長之貢獻(Contribution to Economic Growth)
3-1民間消費平均每年實質成長率(Average Real Growth Rates in Private Consumption Expenditure) 1 2
3-2政府消費平均每年實質成長率(Average Real Growth Rates in Government Consumption Expenditure) 1 2
3-3固定資本形成毛額平均每年實質成長率(Average Real Growth Rates in Gross Fixed Capital Formation) 1 2
3-4輸出平均每年實質成長率(Average Real Growth Rates in Exports) 1 2
3-5輸入平均每年實質成長率(Average Real Growth Rates in Imports) 1 2
4.各項支出占國民生產毛額之比率(Expenditure on GNP [Percentage Distribution])
•按當年價格計算(At current prices)
•按90年價格計算(At 2001 constant prices)
5.國內生產與支出平減價格指數(Implicit Price Deflators for Domestic Product and Expenditure)
•定基指數(Fixed Indices[2001年=100])
•上升率(Annual Percentage change)
6.國內生產毛額-依行業分(Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Activity )
•按當年價格計算(At current prices)
•按90年價格計算(At 2001 constant prices)
•分配比(Percentage Distribution)
•名目增加率(Nominal Annual Rate)
•實質成長率(Real Growth Rate)
•對經濟成長之貢獻(Contribution to Economic Growth)
6-1 農業生產毛額平均每年實質成長率(Average Real Growth Rates in Product of Agriculture)
6-2 工業生產毛額平均每年實質成長率(Average Real Growth Rates in Product of Industry)
6-3 製造業生產毛額平均每年實質成長率(Average Real Growth Rates in Product of Manufacture)
6-4 服務業生產毛額平均每年實質成長率(Average Real Growth Rates in Product of Services)
7.國內生產淨額-依行業分(Net Domestic Product by Kind of Activity)
•分配比(Percentage Distribution)
8.國民可支配所得、消費與儲蓄(National Disposable Income, National Consumption and National Savings)
9.國民儲蓄與投資毛額(Gross National Savings and Investment)
10.國內資本形成毛額-依購買主體分(Gross Domestic Formation by Owner)
•分配比(Percentage Distribution)
•名目增加率(Nominal Rate of Increase)
•實質成長率(Real Growth Rate)
11.國內資本形成毛額-依行業分(Gross Domestic Formation Kind of Activity)
•分配比(Percentage Distribution)
•名目增加率(Nominal Annual Rate)
•實質成長率(Real Growth Rate)
12.國內資本形成毛額-依資本財型態分(Gross Domestic Formation Type of Capital Goods)
•分配比(Percentage Distribution)
•名目增加率(Nominal Annual Rate)
•實質成長率(Real Growth Rate)
13.國內資本形成毛額之財源(The Finance of Gross Domestic Capital Formation)
•分配比(Percentage Distribution)
14. 國民儲蓄與國內投資(Gross National Savings and Gross Domestic Investment)
15. 家庭所得與家庭可支配所得(Household Income and Disposable Income)
16. 家庭消費與儲蓄傾向(Household Propensity to Consume and to Save)
17. 民間消費型態(Private Final Consumption Expenditure by Purpose)
18. 家庭所得按戶數五等分位之分配(Percentage of Disposable Income by Disposable Income Quintile)
19. 一般政府所得收支(Income and Outlay of General Government)
20. 政府最終消費(Government Final Consumption Expenditure)
21. 對外經常收支(External Current Transactions)